Cães sobreviventes do Nepal ganham ajuda


A equipe de resgate de animais da Humane Society Internacional, que está no Nepal desde o dia 30 de abril deste ano para oferecer ajuda emergencial depois do terremoto que devastou o país, divulgou imagens de um grupo de mulheres da região que está alimentando os cães sobreviventes com a única comida disponível.

As “mães de cachorro”, além de prepararem a refeição especial e distribuírem aos cães de rua que sobreviveram ao redor da cidade de Kathmandu, também realizaram um ritual para homenagear os cães que morreram no terremoto.


KHATMANDU, NEPAL-- May 7, 2015--Adam Parascandola of Human Society International with one of Gyanu Devla's (Dog Mother) street dogs. She and her supporters held a Hindu memorial on the 13th day after the Nepal earthquake for the dogs who have died and prepared a special meal for the survivors, which they subsequently delivered to street dogs around the city. PHOTO BY JODI HILTON
KHATMANDU, NEPAL-- May 7, 2015--Dr. Rey del Napoles, left, a vet with HSI Philippines and Adam Parascandola of the Humane Society International attended a memorial and free lunch for street dogs organized by Gyanu Devla, known as "Dog Mother" and her supporters in remembrance of the dogs who died in the earthquake 13 days ago. PHOTO BY JODI HILTON



KHATMANDU, NEPAL-- May 7, 2015--Ravi Das with Human Society International's Animal Rescue and Disaster Response Team feeds lunch to street dogs alongside supporters of "Dog Mother," who held a memorial for the dogs who died 13 days ago in the earthquake. A special special meal was prepared and subsequently delivered to street dogs around the city. PHOTO BY JODI HILTONCatraca Livre



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